Bee Kind, Bee Lovely Foundation
Be kind to yourself, be lovely to all.

Bee Kind, Bee Lovely
Across the world, hundreds of thousands of individuals are experiencing hardships relating to mental health and find themselves often at a crossroads. Our mission is to help brighten someone's day and remind them that not every day is the same as yesterday. With our free care package program and links to resources, we aim to spread joy, kindness, and compassion. Additionally, we're working hard to bring awareness to mental health issues by informing communities how to get involved, spread the information, and make a difference by acts of kindness.
The Bee Kind Promise
We are dedicated to providing an exceptional experience with our foundation. We are committed to enhancing outreach for mental health services, giving back to the community, and investing donations into expanding future projects. Learn more about our current Bee Kind Package and how you can get involved with our foundation.

The Bee Kind Package
As part of the Giving Kindness initiative, our Bee Kind package is available at no cost to those in need. With our handcrafted Honey Bee soap and other goodies, we aim to deliver on our promises and hope to spread a bit of cheer. Take a peek for yourself at what makes our Bee Kind Package unique.

Get Involved
With this initiative, our goal is to promote mental health awareness, provide a free service to those in need, and connect individuals & loved ones to resources available. There are many ways you can get involved to help give kindness to yourself and others. See how you can make a difference today in your community.